Surrender RyePA
ABV: 6.2% / Rye Pale Ale / Rye even talk about it?
Redland Lager
ABV: 6.3% / Red Lager / Amber & Malty
Paint Branch Pilsner
ABV: 5.0% / Czech Pilsner / Light and Crisp
Potomac Fog NEIPA
ABV: 6.4% / NEIPA / Hazy and Hoppy!
Devil’s Alley IPA
ABV: 6.7% / West Coast Style IPA / Hoppy, clean, fun. This is a No Haze Zone.
Grubby Thicket Brown Ale
ABV: 5.1% / American Brown Ale / Dark, Malty and Delicious
Billy Goat Tr’Ale
ABV: 4.5% / Session PA / All the hop of a world class IPA, half the booze.
Bitch Monkey Sour w/ Cranberry
ABV: 5.2% / Fruited Sour Ale / Crisp, tart and refreshing.
Flower Hill Hazy DIPA
ABV: 8.3% / Hazy DIPA / Hazy, juicy, tropical.
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
ABV: 8.5 / Strong Ale / Raisin, malt, delicious.
- Devils Alley IPA
- Paint Branch Pilsner
- Snakeden Saison
- Bitch Monkey Sour w/ Cranberry
- Redland Lager
- SORO Mixed Berry Seltzer
- Billy Goat Tr’ALE Session IPA
- Flower Hill Hazy DIPA
- Potomac Fog NEIPA
- Surrender RYE PA
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